Julia Davies- Career And Leadership Coach Gives 5 Top Tips on How to Prepare For Your New Job. [ADVICE]
Julia is a leadership coach with over 15 years experience helping people succeed in their careers. She is also a key coach supporting the Assured Selection service from Middletons Assured Talent, providing a first 90 day support coaching support programme to all placed candidates through the service.
Today Julia is sharing with us her top five tips to help you prepare for your new job.
Interlude #2 – Julia Davies
Top 5 tips:
Prepare For Change
The first few weeks in any new role can be daunting with a fair amount of ambiguity and it can take time to establish a normal routine.
if you anticipate your reactions and feelings to this it can help lessen the impact and help you settle in more easily. Remember that learning new things can be physically and mentally tiring so try not to overload yourself with other things outside of work during the first few weeks.
Your Induction
Induction programmes can vary enormously so be prepared to take responsibility for your own induction. Find out what is planned, if there is someone organising it, talk to them about the areas that you would like it to cover. If they haven’t planned anything, look at how you can get the support you need.
Establishing Yourself in Your New Role
Think about how you can establish yourself and build your credibility early on, what is expected of you and what are the priorities in the new role?
Who do you need to work with, which are the key working relationships and how can you start building these?
If you are managing staff then setting expectations with them will also be a critical part of the early days.
Your Initial Strategy
Once you have identified both your specific responsibilities and the key people you need to work with there may seem a lot of things for you to do! You won’t be able to do it all at once so stand back and develop a realistic plan to get to grips with it all.
It’s really important to agree some objectives with your manager and some realistic review dates for 3, 6 and 12 months time.
Plan Ahead for Your First Day
Plan ahead and think through the practical arrangements such as travel details, parking, dress code and who will meet you on the first day.
Finally, first impressions are important so you need to consider the image and impact you want to have in the first few weeks.
Good luck in your new role!
If anyone would like to know more about our Assured Selection recruitment service, visit www.middletonsassured.com or contact us on 0113 416 6114 or nick@middletonsassured.com.
Tags: advice, how to prepare for a new job, prepare for change, recruitment, starting a new job, top tips
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